Report a concern
European Spice (ESS) & China Spice (CSS) strive to have an integral and transparent culture where its own employees, as well as external stakeholders have the right to speak up freely and without fear of retaliation.
Speaking up is an important value for us, but also the right action to take; this will allow our company to: Detect, Assess and Address a (potential) issue and its (potential) consequences.
With this purpose, we present our report-a-concern system, as a SpeakUp mechanism for in good faith reporting about an issue that directly or/and indirectly may influence our business.
Who can report?
This system is open to:
- All employees and associates representing ESS and/or CSS
- Any third party who is engaged in business relationships with ESS and/or CSS and wishes to report a concern about a possible misconduct by or related to our company’s activities or operations (Externally)
What to report?
Our system is open to report a suspected action, a misconduct or behavior that breaches our policies and/or violates any of our values and principles, as described in:
- Our supplier and/or internal code of Conduct
- Quality policy any other company policies
- Applicable national law or regulations